We have a number of mediators with a broad range of interests available to advise on and assist with mediation at short notice.
Our approach is to encourage parties to move from their positions of the past & present and to focus on their aims and interests of the future, resulting in a mutually agreed settlement.
We have a number of mediators with a broad range of interests available to advise on and assist with mediation at short notice.
Our approach is to encourage parties to move from their positions of the past & present and to focus on their aims and interests of the future, resulting in a mutually agreed settlement.
We have a number of mediators with a broad range of interests available to advise on and assist with mediation at short notice.
Our approach is to encourage parties to move from their positions of the past & present and to focus on their aims and interests of the future, resulting in a mutually agreed settlement.
We have a number of mediators with a broad range of interests available to advise on and assist with mediation at short notice.
Our approach is to encourage parties to move from their positions of the past & present and to focus on their aims and interests of the future, resulting in a mutually agreed settlement.

Family Process:
Firstly, we will meet with you both individually to discuss the benefits and appropriateness of mediation. If it is considered to be a suitable process for all concerned, we will then proceed to a joint meeting (if you both are happy to sit together) to establish the issues that you would like to discuss and to form an agenda; such issues are mainly related to child/children arrangements and financial/ property matters. We do not tell you what to do, but instead can help you to reach your own agreements amicably, whilst trying to improve communication between you.
The number of sessions may vary depending on the complexity of each case. Mediations involving finances will require full financial disclosure; it is important to note that all financial information is provided on an ‘open basis’, allowing it to be freely shared between the participants, lawyers and the Courts. We will prepare an Open Financial Statement (‘OFS’) that summarises the financial information disclosed by both parties. At this stage we would encourage you to take the OFS to your solicitor for legal advice.
We will help by providing a safe, secure environment in which to have your discussions by agreeing with you the best setting for your mediation in terms of venue and timings, as well as any requisite measures concerning safety/anxiety issues particular to your current situation.
On conclusion of a successful mediation, your mutually agreed proposals are recorded in a number of documents as follows:
a) Parenting plan – a summary of the agreed arrangements for your children.
b) Memorandum of Understanding (‘MOU’) – a clear and comprehensive summary of the terms of the settlement, once decisions on finances and/or property have been reached. We will once again advise you to take legal advice on what you have agreed in the MOU. The solicitor will then draft a Consent Order which will ultimately be sanctioned by the Court.
NOTE: We are able to organise a MIAM Certificate should one be required.